A request from me

I finally got my email to work

For months I've been wanting to say that my email address was jacob@jacobwsmith.xyz and now I finally can (it turns out I forgot to put an @ symbol in one of the config things in my DNS registrar when I tried to set it up the first time). I'm happy that if I wanted to I can now fully unplug myself from the grid of big tech (although current school and church obligations require me to stay at least somewhat plugged in). It will be fun to look at peoples' faces when I tell them that's my email address.

But now the question is what do I want to do with my new email address? Well, as should be evident from the existence of this site, I believe that the internet is a great tool for spreading knowledge. This of course is great, but the dominance of social media has buried many pages and websites that are worth visiting in a bunch of junk. As I decrease the time I spend on social media I want to spend more time learning about interesting topics. I'd love your help in uncovering the hidden gems the internet has to offer, stuff worth reading that can really only be spread by word of mouth (like my site).

If you know of a site that you think I'd enjoy and learn a lot from, or if you have your own website you'd love me to read, feel free to email me with something like "Reading Recommendation" in the subject line. (Book recommendations are also welcome.)