Jacob Smith's Ultimate Guide to the Internet

Everything you need to know about the most popular sites on the World Wide Web

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Note this guide is a work in progress, entries will be added and updated when I feel like it, I'm also open to suggestions on what sites I should highlight. I will also let you be the judge as to whether or not this is satire.


Twitter, as most sites do, started out quite uncontroversially, being able to share to the world whatever you could fit in 140 characters was an interesting idea. There is a story from the early days of Twitter when it only had a few thousand users that there was some big nerd conference in Texas that a lot of people were going to. During this conference one of the Twitter creators tweeted out a suggestion to his friends that they should all eat a specific restaurant there at a specific time. The guy then went to that restauraunt and found that 8,000 people had seen his tweet and all showed up to this restauraunt. The Twitter of today is not so different, exept the dumb things that people get on a bandwagon for are a lot less productive or wholesome than eating at a restaraunt.

Another strange feature of today's Twitter is the fact that people think that anything there is important or representative of the opinions of the public as a whole. People have put this strange idea in their heads that for some reason the opinions of Twitter actually matter, especially in the context of American issues. I'll give you some statistics to bust this myth if you happen to believe it. Only 22% of American adults have a Twitter account, on top of that 80% of tweets come from only 10% of Twitter users, so what you see all of American Twitter only accounts for the opinoins of 2% of Americans. To think that the thoughts of 2% of a country are representative of the whole contry is absolutely ridiculous, but it gets worse. 80% of regular Twitter users happen to be afluent millenials. Are the ideas and opinions of affluent millenials compareable at all to the life experience of the entire world? No of course not. Anyone who thinks that anything on Twitter actually matters is not living in the real world.

Another myth people tend to believe about Twitter is that it is a place where an even semi-educated disscussion can take place. The character limit on tweets only goves enough space for an idea to be expressed. I can easily tweet something like "windows sucks" and instantly get millions of hate comments but when confined to Twitter it is impossible to fully explain in an uncontreversial manner why linux is superior. Everyday people are attacked on Twitter because it is impossible to include rationale behind arguments. Nobody's mind has or will ever be changed by a Tweet. Twitter is a waste of time.


Instagram is good for two things, mediocre memes and depression. Instagram is primarily a picture sharing platform (so don't write three paragraphs on it and expect it to get read) and people always opt to share the pictues that show the best of them. That chick from your high school English class whose name you don't remember is happy to post a beautiful picture of her drinking beer on the beach at sunset wearing her sexy new bikini but she won't post a picture of her after just waking up in the backseat of her friend's boyfriend's car having puked all over herself, nor will she post about how her boyfriend broke up with her because of her alcohol problem, nor will she post about how she didn't have enough money to pay for an Uber home after spending it all at the bar trying to forget about the pain of being broken up with. That girl that was in your English class will just post her perfect bikini picture so that she can compete with that girl who was in your math class who just posted a picture of her with her dog at some scenic vista at the end of some hiking trail at sunrise. Drunk bikini chick will be jealous of the perfect life that hiking dog girl is projecting, just as hiking dog girl will be jealous of drunk bikini chick's perfect life, because of course hiking dog girl has problems too.

Nothing on Instagram is real. So many people, especially young girls drive themselves to depression trying to chase the perfect life that is advertized by so many on Instagram. They beat themselves up thinking that they will never be attractive enough, or skinny enough, or rich enough to be as happy as drunk bikini chick not realizing that they already are more put together than drunk bikini chick. Instagram is set up in such a way that it is easy to compare yourself to others, many people ge caught up in trying to make their life seem better than everyone elses' so they'll spend more time setting up a perfect picture that makes it look like they are having tons of fun than they do actually having fun. Even if you are not doing this yourself you are contributing to this lifestyle by giving your friends obligitory likes as they drive themselves, and others to depression by trying to live an impossibly perfect life.

I believe that Instagram is a huge factor in the depression epidemic in young people right now. Instagram is dangeous and should only be used for memes.