How to Cook Rice

Something we should all be able to do

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I eat rice at least once a day now, and people in many cultures eat rice in every meal. We should all know how to cook the staple food of half the plannet, and I figured that this YouTube video does a great job at explaining it so I don't have to. I have lived in Asia and this is the way that they do it, so you should do it that way too.

But if I happen to publish this to a book and forget to edit this page I guess it would be beneficial to explain it in writing becasue I can't expect you to click a link on a piece of paper.

First dump your rice into your rice cooker pot (note no measuring cup neccecary) then wash it throughly, I find that it washes quickest when you use cold water but whatever temperature water you use don't skip washing it I know people who have lost teeth from rocks in unwashed rice, also it tastes better when you wash it. Next flatten all the rice in the pot and then press your index finger down into the rice until it reaches the bottom of the pot. Then move your thumb onto your index finger at the point that it touches the top of the rice. Next, without moving your thumb from that spot on your finger, move the tip of your index finger to the top of the rice then fill the pot with water until it reaches the tip of your thumb. Throw the pot into your rice cooker and let that handle the rest.

Why use a rice cooker

Rice is done cooking once all of the water it is with evaporates, A rice cooker takes advantage of two scientific things in order to tell when that happens. First, while water is boiling it will be at the temperature 212 F, it cannot rise above that temperature while it a liquid state. Second, magnets are only effective up to a certain temperature, this depends on the composition of the magnet, so different magnets have different effective working temperatures. When you flip the switch of a rice cooker down it pushes a spring loaded mechanism down which is held in place by a magnet and lets the pot rest on a heating plate. The water begins to boil and stay at a constant 212 F. Once all the water is boiled off the temperature of the rice can then exceed 212 F which we don't want because that will burn our rice. This is when the magnet kicks in (or off I guess) the magnets in rice cookers are only effective up to 212 F so once it rises above that the magnet looses its strength and releases the spring loaded mechanism which takes the rice off of the heating element. Long story short, rice cookers are better at cooking rice than you are.